Can you tell the time on a traditional clock?


4th May 2018

SCHOOLS are replacing conventional clocks with digital ones, to help pupils in exams.

Teachers have revealed that many students struggle to tell the time on analogue clocks (those with hands) and worry that this could cause more exam stress.

They say rather than their GCSE and A-level students losing precious time trying to work out how many minutes they have left and perhaps even getting it wrong, they’d rather introduce digital clocks that make it clear. Malcolm Trobe, a former headmaster, said: “There is actually a big advantage in using digital clocks in exam rooms because it is much less easy to mistake a digital clock when you are working against time.”

Young people still need to learn how to tell the time in school by the age of six, but teachers are becoming increasingly aware of pupils finding it difficult to read clock faces. This is thought to be largely down to the digital world we now live in, where we read the time on our smartphones and computers.

The idea that analogue clocks are being replaced by digital ones has sparked a debate among some people. Does it mean we could soon see analogue clocks disappearing altogether?

Can you tell the time on a clock with hands?

Can you tell the time on a traditional clock?


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ch3lsea7 · 7 years ago


fantastict · 7 years ago

YES! It's that easy

shreddeddo · 7 years ago


shreddeddo · 7 years ago

I would prefer a digital clock but I can read analogue clocks

dachshund7 · 7 years ago

It's quite easy once you learn but for younger children it might be a bit tricky.

icestarz · 7 years ago

I think that there should be digital clocks because then you don't waste time in exams

xcurlysuex · 7 years ago

I find it easier to read the time on a traditional clock than on a digital clock.

doctor2010 · 7 years ago

is it that hard to to tell the time on an analogue clock? I still can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

saf · 7 years ago


natalija · 7 years ago

Children, especially in secondary schools, should be able to tell the time on an analogue clock. It also would not be fair that people had to tell the time on a traditional clock in past exams.

skate · 7 years ago


missgalaxy · 7 years ago

Time is a crucial thing to learn. If people dont know how to tell the time when they reach 18, they will find it very difficult to be on time. Everyone uses smart phones but i have to make sure i can tell the time every day. Its an important skill and its silly to simplify things, we need to learn.

gameknight · 7 years ago

I think that, when doing exams and things you should have learned clocks at the age of 6 so I'm wondering why anyone is struggling and it should be easy (because it is for me) so even thinking about analogue disappearing sound strange to me.

cmi_hall1 · 7 years ago

YES I can but it's taken me a bit of time to learn!?

mayasoccer · 7 years ago

I agree that traditional clocks are important to know how to read but I also think that in our modern world we have so many more important issues to worry about. Also analogue clocks are soooo much easier to read!

lovedogs2 · 7 years ago

Most people should know how to tell the time because it is a life skill!!!

fams · 7 years ago

I think that we shouldn’t replace traditional clocks with new ones as this is a perfect example of technology taking over are lives and we nod to know the time on analog clocks to for tests

bobfm · 7 years ago

I can tell the time on a traditional clock but only if I am awake!

bubble33 · 7 years ago

Yes, of course. All the clocks at our school are traditional - why not just teach students how to read them/tell the time? ⌚️

5honypony · 7 years ago

Yes and schools should keep analogue clocks because kids need to learn

larabass123 · 7 years ago

I think this is a good idea because eventhough i can tell the time on a traditional clock, it may waste time durimg the exam

larabass123 · 7 years ago

I think this is a good idea because eventhough i can tell the time on a traditional clock, it may waste time during the exam.

ysiad1 · 7 years ago

I can read the time on a traditional clock however I think that it would help many children in their exams if digital clocks were used as some people can't read the time on older types of clocks . So my final conclusion to this poll is that we should have a mix so that we can keep some things that were used in the past in our lives today. But also digital clocks as they are easier for some people to read.


strictly22 · 7 years ago

In a test if you misread a clock and assume you have 1 hot and ten mins instead of just 10 mins, just because you can’t read the time you will not to well in the test

strictly22 · 7 years ago


hptigers · 7 years ago

I can, but some people probably can't because digital clocks are more common than traditional clocks now. I find it very useful to know and I think everyone should be taught this skill.

pandacool · 7 years ago

yeah! its not too tricky!

fabulousme · 7 years ago

I find it easier

pheebz10 · 7 years ago

I can,I learned when I was in year two. I still find it easier to read on a digital clock.But I defiantly think its handy and that if you can't read a analogue clock you should learn quickly

i_care · 7 years ago

I think that if you can’t tell the time on an analogue clock, you should not be taking your gcse’s. I understand that the pressure might unable you to do this task but schools needn’t be spending money on buying digital clocks.

lollydor · 7 years ago

I can read times on traditional clocks but there are people in my class that can’t so I think they would be better

sisi · 7 years ago


sisi · 7 years ago

I think they should because students should be able to tell the time on and analogue clock anyway, and it's good practice for when they're doing the tests.

gominions · 7 years ago

I can but honestly I don't mind whether or not they switch to digital because I don't really get how they'd help pupils in exams but either way it's fine by me.

firegirl16 · 7 years ago

OF Course if there are numbers and markings

unicornzz · 7 years ago

It's easy to tell the time on a traditional clock— you just need to know your 5-times-tables.?

gxlden · 7 years ago

First of all

I look good in this shirt

Second of all

I look good in this shirt

And third of all

I look good in this shirt

So tell me I don't look good in this shirt

pandacool · 7 years ago

I can tell the time - we have all been taught in my school and I don't struggle

dansoo1234 · 7 years ago

They should teach both in school analogue is much harder for some people

sgadders · 7 years ago

I can very easily tell the time on an analogue clock but almost every day, someone comes up to me in class and asks me what time it is, they are in year six as well. I think it is very important and if people think it waists time In an exam then they should learn how to read a clock better????

bob.bunny · 7 years ago


explorer12 · 7 years ago

I can read a an analogue clock and I think reading them a better challenge for younger kids.

rosrio · 7 years ago

I find traditional clocks easier to read

rollersk8t · 7 years ago

I think that there should be analogue clocks in school even if some people can't tell time. This is because it's a school they should be taught to use analogue clocks. Therefore the clocks will help them!

gummybear3 · 7 years ago

Schools should teach more childeren time in KEY STAGE 1

holholster · 7 years ago

I can tell the time on an analogue clock, but I would prefer a digital clock in my classroom, as it is easier to understand, and is more precise. Also, it would hopefully help younger children to tell the time whilst they are at school.

emperor · 7 years ago

Even though I can read analogue clocks (as long as they have 123... rather than I, II, III... or no numbers at all) I would find it easier to read from a digital clock. However, because there is split opinion on this, there should be both digital and analogue clocks in exams to reduce exam stress for everyone, rather than just digital-preferring or analogue-preferring people.

dcb10 · 7 years ago

Yes i can because in our kitchen we have one of those clocks, and my Nanny and grand-dad do to!!!!

tintin13 · 7 years ago

Yes! but I know some people how find it hard.

aim123 · 7 years ago

I can read it.

daisy101 · 7 years ago

I learnt in Year 1

dcfan · 7 years ago

Yes, although digital ones are easier to use.

ballet2006 · 7 years ago

Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

coolio99 · 7 years ago

Most people can tell the time on both digital and analogue clocks but with the kids and other people in the world that can’t tell the time on an analogue clock, it would be easier for children to read the time of a digital clock

h@rry679 · 7 years ago


ciarza123 · 7 years ago

I think it's stupid to have digital clocks in exams because at one stage you've got to be able too tell the time and by then you should already know so I really don't want digital clocks

retep · 7 years ago

Yes, I learnt it when I was really young. I like digital watches more, but analog clocks more!

izzy_xxxxx · 7 years ago

I can, but loads of people I know can't (I'm yr 8)

gingetoff · 7 years ago

It is so easy

bookcrazy1 · 7 years ago

I can read an analogue clock but I find the numbers method of the digital clock much less complicated.

ali450 · 7 years ago

Analogue clocks are generally clearer than digital because you can see clearly how far through the hour you are. I've also found that they don't break so easily - I am a champion at wrecking watches!

xdcoconut · 7 years ago

no I'm only a year 2 kid!

wolfcrazy8 · 7 years ago

Who can't tell the time on an analogue clock?! ?
(No offence, reader, if you can't)

In my opinion, teachers, or just people in general, shouldn't replace analogue clocks with digital clocks. They can be nostalgic and I HATE? the fact that technology is taking over! (Cos I'm weird)


In short, DON'T replace analogue clocks..... ? Please

apple92 · 7 years ago

It’s easy to tell the time on a traditional clock because I’ve learned how to tell the time at school.

oceangirl · 7 years ago

Of course I can. I have known since year 3. And, I’m in year5

galactic · 7 years ago

In my class we have got both.

natureu · 7 years ago

Yes but digital clocks might be easier for exams

daisysyins · 7 years ago

if you just pander to the things they don't know and should know by making it so they never have to learn them, that's not setting them up well for the future at all. Most children can tell the time on an analogue clock by the time they're in secondary anyway.

melon_cow7 · 6 years ago

its toooooooooooooooooooooooo hard

krabbit38 · 6 years ago

YES. Although I find digital easier.

krabbit38 · 6 years ago

YES. Although I find digital easier..

zebra10 · 6 years ago

I prefer analogue ?

lotussk8er · 6 years ago

Telling the time on an analogue clock is an important skills. In exams, you are always shown an analogue clock. Note: an analogue clock is a traditional clock.

lotussk8er · 6 years ago

Although digital is easier...I have a digital watch...

hector7 · 6 years ago

I am still learning but I know the basic things about analogue.

katkid10 · 5 years ago

We have Roman numeral clocks at home and two digital clocks in the bedrooms of my Mum+ dad