Resources for grown-ups

Recommended Reads: Politics explained

The election is quickly approaching, and the momentum is picking up pace! But, do you understand everything that’s happening?

Here are some recommended reads for you to help your children make sense of politics, elections, voting and fake news. Plus reads to help understand how can they make change in the world…

Politics for Beginners by Rosie Hore, Alex Frith and Louie Stowell

An illustrated, easy-to-read guide to politics in the modern world, with top tips on how to argue and debate, and a handy glossary of tricky words.

Everyday Action, Everyday Change by Naomi Evans and Natalie Evans

An inspiring handbook that shares small actions you can take every day, which will make the world a fairer and more equal place.

What Do You Think? by Matthew Syed

This guide looks at topics such as peer pressure and fake news, how to form and change opinions, and how to debate your views with empathy.

What Is Politics? Why Should We Care? And Other Big Questions by Michael Rosen and Annemarie Young

This book explores politics in countries around the world, and how it affects everyone.

What Is Politics? Why Should We Care? And Other Big Questions by Michael Rosen and Annemarie Young

This book explores politics in countries around the world, and how it affects everyone.

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