Save Kids Lives
First News Videos

‘Save Kids Lives’, made by movie director Luc Besson, is a powerful film calling for safe journeys to and from school for every child.
Luc joined the #SaveKidsLives campaign to highlight the dangers facing millions of children around the world in their daily journey to and from school.
The film was launched for International Walk to School Day but First News Live! is has joining up with Formula 1 organisation, the FIA, for Road Safety Week 2016 (21-28 November) to remind you to take care on the roads. We want to deliver the message that all children must have the right to walk to and from school free from road traffic danger, this week and every week.
Filmed on location in South Africa and France, the film – co-funded by the FIA and the FIA Foundation – contrasts the journey to school of children in both countries, and the different, but real, risks both face. The aim of the film is to raise awareness of the 500 child deaths and many thousands of serious injuries every day on the world’s roads. We want to join the FIA to encourage wider support for action to put in place measures to reduce this daily number. The film asks people to sign the ‘Child Declaration for Road Safety’ of the #SaveKidsLives campaign, put together after talking to children around the world.
happy4456 · 8 years ago
That was so powerful. I will always be try to be safe when I go to school and walk back home.
natella · 8 years ago
I agree with happy4456. I thought will that African child make it... or not?
frankied · 8 years ago
I agree with both natella and happy4456.
This film brought tears to my eyes (yeah, I'm emotional) and really made me think about how I should walk to and back from school.
It also inspired me to raise money for Save The Children.
Just think guys, they are a similar age to us. There are many things we could do to try to help...
frankied · 8 years ago
Sorry, save the children and #savekidslives
pasco · 8 years ago
I totally agree, I did not realise how many people could get injured by just crossing the road when a car is approaching
koalalover · 7 years ago
I can't imagine having to cross over a busy road like that without a crossing. I got quite sad and totally agree with all of you guys.
littlepup · 6 years ago
That s so sad