What is climate change?
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SCIENTISTS have noticed that the planet has been warming up in recent years and many are very worried about it.
Most think that much of this climate change is down to human activity, but some feel it is just part of a natural cycle.
However, all are agreed that the world’s average temperature has risen by nearly 1°C in the past 100 years.
It may not sound much but global warming is already having a big effect in some parts of the world.
Weather patterns are changing with more storms, plus record high and low temperatures.
In the Arctic, the area of sea that freezes each winter has shrunk dramatically over the past 30 years, affecting both animals and local people.
If the temperature goes up by more than 2 degrees scientists calculate that the extra melting ice will cause widespread flooding as sea levels rise.
Part of the cause of global warming is our huge use of what are called fossil fuels; this includes burning coal and gas for heating and to make electricity, plus using petrol and diesel in vehicles.
All this burning of fuels produces vast quantities of carbon dioxide gas or CO2. CO2 is a so-called greenhouse gas which traps heat in the atmosphere adding to global warming.
At the climate change conference in Paris nearly 200 countries agreed to reduce their greenhouse gases to keep global warming below 2 degrees. This is a positive first step, but now, all the countries need to live up to their promises and take serious action.
april2008 · 7 years ago
personally i'm a bit scared of climate change because i don't want the world to flood and if people don't agree it will cause major flooding
ag0807 · 7 years ago
Even though the temperature has gone up 1 degree in the past hundred years it can cause a lot and I am a little scared because I don't want a flood
ag0807 · 7 years ago
Fossil fuels cause a lot of climate change which is used by us humans
Esiotrot2 · 7 years ago
Save the polar bears!
bilecks · 7 years ago
I feel a bit worried about climate change because its changing the earth, and scientists don't know what is going to happen.
hector7 · 6 years ago
Trump doesn't even think that climate change exists!!!