America’s Youth Courts

First News Videos


There are more than 1,000 youth courts in America, where young people are the judges, jury and lawyers.

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Teirrah · 8 years ago


opb10 · 8 years ago

Sounds good. Active education (that looks pretty fun) with a lot of realism.

sarawalter · 8 years ago

Yeah - so if I had a choice of a prison sentence in an adult court - or a ticking off in a youth court - In know what I would choose -this is just a cop out for young people who want to break the law -they just go to a youth court and get away with it

Inventor22 · 8 years ago

It was a good video, I would like to be a judge. Imagine how hard it would be if they didn't speak your language.
I always wanted to bang the hammer and then be heard, unlike my usual life at school.
From Charlie

tolu · 8 years ago

Same,it would be a dream come true to become a judge. Ah a dream come true. :)

bookcrazy1 · 7 years ago

That is a really good idea! Only five per cent of youth court respondents reoffend, plus, like that Keitha girl said, they know what it’s like to experience all that. Also a great way to get more kids into careers in law. I’ve been thinking of becoming a court judge when I’m older lately, so if the UK had these I’d be quick to sign up. Go youth court!