Are you happy to wear face masks while at school?


12th March 2021

THIS week there’s been lots of debate around whether you should be wearing face masks while at school. Here’s what the Government has been saying.

Government advice is that primary school children don’t have to wear a face mask. The Department for Education (DfE) says primary pupils need “to see facial expressions to develop their communication and language skills”.

If you’re in secondary school in England, the DfE says you should wear a face covering if you’re not able to socially distance, for example, in the classroom. Children’s Minister Vicky Ford said that secondary school students should be “strongly encouraged” to wear masks in classrooms, but hasn’t made it compulsory, as some pupils could be “anxious and nervous”. Another MP has warned that leaving it up to schools to decide could cause chaos.

The Association of School and College Leaders has said it would be much easier for headteachers if the Government could make their guidance on masks “black and white”.
In Scotland’s secondary schools, face coverings will have to be worn at all times, while in Wales and Northern Ireland, face coverings will have to be worn when students can’t be socially distant.

Both primary and secondary schools are likely to be a bit chillier than usual, as the Government has advised that indoor spaces “ventilate”, meaning you should open a window or a door, to let fresh air in and stale air out.

And you might want to bring a hat and scarf into school with you, as lessons may be held with all the windows open!


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ellabeegee · 3 years ago

Yay first to comment,
I think yes I would be able to because if you are 11 or over (which I am) you are already used to wearing face masks bin public places.

mrsbieber9 · 3 years ago

I think wearing face coverings in school is unbeneficial as many children do not like them and find them hard to breathe in them, it stops concentration and causes distractions. Also many children do not even wear them properly, and are not social distancing with other classmates, therefore, they are not doing that much to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

ira497 · 3 years ago


ira497 · 3 years ago


applepear · 3 years ago

I'm unhappy as children should be able to work in class without them as we are already not social distancing

siyahaller · 3 years ago


ez-2011 · 3 years ago

It shouldn’t be compulsory but it should be encouraged.

piggy9876 · 3 years ago

Yes I think that I would like to wear a mask. Even though I am nor 11 yet, I will be soon and I think I am responsible enough. Under 11 I think you can make a sensible decision.

historygal · 3 years ago

I notice so many people going to my school saying bUt I cAnT bReAtHe when they obviously can and just don’t wand to wear a mask. I totally understand if you are exempt though.

historygal · 3 years ago

I’m happy because I know it could potentially save life’s if we all do it

dezdez · 3 years ago


ivansp2011 · 3 years ago

I am somewhere in the middle as they do help as the government says but a little but they are also hard to breath in. I have experienced it and literally, when I took it off I was delighted and I saw all of my nose red. They also make damp parts which attract bacterias more than you would if you were dry. 75%-No 25%-Yes

meerkatj07 · 3 years ago

I don't mind wearing a mask but I think it will be harder back at school when we have to wear them in lessons for a longer period of time

gsk · 3 years ago

Not happy at all. Evidence shows that masks cause more infections not less.

osman · 3 years ago

I am supposedly happy with it, but wearing a mask has its disadvantages.... like how the teachers can barely hear us when we speak and its really annoying especially when you just said an amazing answer to the essay but then you have to say it all over again :( And its barely able to breathe in it at times which gets irritating and your ears hurt madly if its too tight

But even though it had consequences... i feel happy i am wearing it for a good cause and use it to save myself and friends

kuhuzoo9 · 3 years ago

I know it’s good for you but I just can’t stand face masks they’re so horrible and stuffy 😷🤢

cmf2012 · 3 years ago


historygal · 3 years ago

The small inconvenience of wearing a mask is much less than catching coronavirus and being stuck at home for ages. Yes. Masks don’t kill but coronavirus does

cat55 · 3 years ago

I don't wear a face mask at school but I probably wouldn't wanna wear one all the time in school.

kkyellow · 3 years ago


mothstar · 3 years ago

yes yes yes if it means that we can stop covid and save lives

bookworm66 · 3 years ago

I personally don't like wearing face masks but if we want to stop the spread of covid-19 then we should have to wear them.

arabellaok · 3 years ago

I think it is a good idea but at some point you will take your mask off and then it defeats the purpose of masks, for example, at lunch you take your mask off and then there is suddenly no point in wearing one anymore.

opalbarnet · 3 years ago

if i had to

mdavies1 · 3 years ago

I don’t think children should be made to wear masks in school - they are supposed to reduce transmission, but if we are being tested regularly, what is there to transmit? It can feel quite suffocating, especially with few breaks, and distracts pupils from the work. I think it is probably a good idea to wear them in corridors and when moving between classes, but not in the classroom.

edpl · 3 years ago

😷 yes I would if it could save lives

osgothorpe · 3 years ago

I don't where one but I think it would be more safe and yes

epicflame · 3 years ago


amo · 3 years ago

I think we need to try stop Covid -19 and for it to stop we need to wear masks. I don't want to but we don't have a choice.

freya2909 · 3 years ago

i am starting middle school in September and i hate my mask so i dont want to wear a mask but i do want to keep safe

weirdcat · 3 years ago I was home educated before lockdown and still am so i still don't have to wear a mask......but it seems like a good idea, just for a bit longer to make sure everyone is safe.

katkid10 · 3 years ago

I mean, I can't tell what people are saying without seeing their mouths sooooo.......... 😁😁😁😁🐱‍👓

pointpedro · 3 years ago

Yes it done wearing those mask

biggestbro · 3 years ago

i think aswelll yes

trixx · 3 years ago

I am deaf so cannot lip read when people wear masks I am unable to understand what people say which makes me feel isolated and lonely

superpug27 · 3 years ago

Yes because without it it would spread rapidly. Even though kids can’t get effected by COVID 19, teachers can and being with kids all the time who may be carrying the virus is very dangerous. Masks are inconvenient yes, BUT they save lives so I’m happy to do so.

minja8 · 3 years ago

I think when you wear a face mask and get used to it's fine but some people can't so no.

d-rabbit · 3 years ago

I don’t do it in year 1, but if we had to do it I would’nt because it sounds sweaty.

waterpaint · 3 years ago

I don’t like mass very much. They’re really annoying!!!

freya2909 · 3 years ago

noooooooo i hate face masks, i sweat after literally a minute lol.
However it does keep us safe

ihorsman · 3 years ago

no no no no

phoebeh · 3 years ago

I think it should be mandatory and although wearing one doesn't absolutely prevent the spread, it still helps, and I think if it wasn't made mandatory most people wouldn't even wear them.

Thank you NHS

smartbryan · 3 years ago

It doesn’t matter…it’s all the same to me

sophieling · 2 years ago

YES!!!! What about the people who are high risk. Would you be that selfish as to endanger someones life just so u could be more comfortable?????

sophieling · 2 years ago

masks won't kill anyone but coronavirus will, sooooo.....