Should this binman have lost his job?
3rd February 2021
3rd February 2021
A BINMAN in Herefordshire has lost his job, after kicking the head off a child’s snowman.
Nineteen-year-old Callum Woodhouse was caught on a CCTV camera kicking the snowman, while he waited for a bin to empty into his truck.
Mr Woodhouse was later told by Herefordshire Council’s waste contractor that he would not be returning to work for them.
But thousands of people disagreed with the decision to sack him. Many said it seemed unfair and that the snowman would have melted away anyway.
Others feel the company made the right decision and it was mean-spirited of him. What do you think?
latiosgod7 · 4 years ago
R.I.P snowman
notsniw · 4 years ago
I think he should be fired because that was someone’s property and a child’s own snowman
politics21 · 4 years ago
He shouldn't have kicked the head off a child’s snowman but it's a bit OTT to sack him. He could re-build it but as I said he shouldn't have done it.
ck5 · 4 years ago
If he had tried to go around the snowman but accidentally knocked it over it would have been ok. However since he purposefully kicked the snowman’s head off it’s not. But it’s just a snowman it was always going to melt in the end and it’s not like the snowman is a real person so it’s ridiculous that people are making such a big deal out of it. It’s gone so it’s gone, done. Furthermore it’s a bit extreme that he got sacked. At the most he should have been shouted at.
aann · 4 years ago
I don't think he should have because even tho that was a kid's snowman and he shouldn't have kicked it,it is really too OTT to fire him.
katkid10 · 4 years ago
It was a very Scrooge thing to do. Although being sacked is very extreme, it was going to melt anyway but there was not much snow left, and the people/child who made it may have been trying to keep it for as long as possible.
katkid10 · 4 years ago
It is also like ruining someone's piece of art. He did not think about what that would do to the person who made it (chain reaction).
quinoa63 · 4 years ago
Dis guy is mean
marmoty100 · 4 years ago
No, because he lost his job cause he was mean but I don’t think he would have lost his job!
oceangirl · 4 years ago
Although he shouldn’t have done it, I don’t think he should have lost his jobs over it.
oceangirl · 4 years ago
Although he should have done it, he shouldn’t have lost his job.
oceangirl · 4 years ago
Shouldn't sorry
ep-22579 · 4 years ago
He definitely shouldn't of kicked the head off,no one should do that,but I'm not sure he should have lost his job. It was bad enough he went viral! Also, I'm sure lots of other people have done that,and they didn't get fired because they didn't get caught on camera. Lesson-just be kind!
ellabeegee · 4 years ago
RIP snowman a kid has worked hard to make it only for it to be destroyed by a hateful snowman killer
hxnestly · 4 years ago
no ofc he shouldn’t it’s kind of heartless but not worth losing his JOB over
also I think it was my snowman he kicked over I saw someone kicking the head of my snowman and there was a bin lorry 😶
I would have knocked it over anyways it doesn’t matter
hxnestly · 4 years ago
also nobody owns snow so it wasn’t the child’s property, notsniw
flutehorse · 4 years ago
Destroying the child's snowman is a form of vandalism. The child may have spent time and work on it.
ivansp2011 · 4 years ago
They should have fired him as people put loads of effort in building one but it may still be too far.
ivansp2011 · 4 years ago
latiosgod7 heheheheh
123emperor · 4 years ago
He deserved this punishment since the child probably put loads of effort into building the snowman. After all he was only there to pick up the rubbish.
sushirat1 · 4 years ago
Imagine being that little kid who finds his snow man ⛄️ headless! Even though it was mean, it was a bit extreme to sack him! I think he should’ve apologised to the kid and built a new one for him.
toodles · 4 years ago
It was not good to kick the head off the snowman but a bit to harsh to sack him. He could have just apologised and mabye gotten no pay for a few weeks.
milkpuddin · 4 years ago
no because it would melt anyway or get blown over
dogbro · 4 years ago
It was mean of him but it’s isn't too serious of an offence
cloudfloat · 4 years ago
He cannot be fired just for that reason. I have a say on both sides though. He should not have kicked the snowman, because it wasn't nice, but he would have been bored, or either way the snowman would have melted anyway. He should be still remaining there at the school because, snow is snow. Later, It turns to molecules anyway.
candyflos · 4 years ago
I don’t think he should be fired because snowman do melt and the fun thing is building the snowman. Also so many people kick snowmen over so why should only he be punished even though it was a bit thoughtless of him. To fire him is disproportionate.
afrogem1 · 4 years ago
That's so weird though, the snowman would have melted anyway, and they would have taken a picture beforehand, but also the snowman has a life kind of, so he practically killed the snowman, so, R.I.P Mr snowman: 2021-2021
afrogem1 · 4 years ago
opalbarnet · 4 years ago
i feel sooo sorry for the kid who made it so i said yes he should lose his job. It's just cruel!!!
plane · 4 years ago
As much as it is ridiculous,the binman shouldn't have done it. However, it was the child's personal property so he shouldn't have. It was a bit silly to fire him though;think about it-it would have melted in a few hours.
koksmaster · 4 years ago
I think he did something wrong but I don’t think it has anything to do with his job
royalrebel · 4 years ago
Yes or No I can't make up my mind!!!!
p0l1tics · 4 years ago
i hope he found another job
p0l1tics · 4 years ago
@notsniw I guess but technically he was allowed to be on the property because he was getting the bins
gelatoni · 4 years ago
poor snowman the person would of spent a lot of time on that
R.I .P
tedlog · 4 years ago
I think that its the right decision, if that was my snowman I would be most upset. In my opinion he deserves to lose his job. Why? Just why anyway? There's no reason too!? So I think he should be sacked.
freya2909 · 4 years ago
I voted no because the snowman would have melted anyway but in fairness he shouldn't have knocked it over
alibali9 · 4 years ago
I think YES because he destoryed a child's snowman! It must've taken ages to build. So yes and even if the bin people took long kick in the air, or hold it in. I hold it in, I don't want poeple looking at me like 'What is that person doing?!' So I think yes sack him if you haven't already.
alibali9 · 4 years ago
Rest in peace Snowmany
news54321 · 4 years ago
The fact that he literally kicked the head off of a child's piece of art shows that he is mean and aggressive, and not somebody who the council should be employing.
luigi55 · 4 years ago
He's so mean!!
opalstar · 4 years ago
No. I do think it was quite mean to carelessly kick the head off the child's own snowman. But firing him? Isn't that too over the top? We all do something within that area of meanest things we do.
Now he hasn't got a job to live on.
opalstar · 4 years ago
R.I.P poor snowman];
skgninja · 4 years ago
He was just playing around and its not like he is sooo experienced. He is 19!!! Come on Herefordshire Council’s waste contractor!
spookyboot · 4 years ago
i think whatever it is one snowman he probs didnt mean to anyway
spookyboot · 4 years ago
poor kid tho
lakeshore · 4 years ago
No because it is hard to get jobs and also, anyone who has ever walked past a snowman or a sandcastle has had a urge to kick it.
panda89 · 4 years ago
It’s really like the grinch to kick of the head of a child’s snowman- he really shouldn’t of done it. But even tho he shouldn’t of kicked the snowman’s head off, I still think it’s really unfair to sack him.
porkman13 · 4 years ago
YES HE SHOULD OF that was mean
mahawela12 · 4 years ago
Well, he can't get any money for his family.
historygal · 4 years ago
It was a mean thing to do, but I don’t think he should have been fired. Maybe he should have to apologise or get spoken to.
odinseye · 4 years ago
How could anyone do that to a snowman?
katkid10 · 4 years ago
Hxnestly, you made a good snowman!
mothstar · 4 years ago
just think, a child has spent its time building this snowman. it would have broken the child's heart.
spookyboot · 4 years ago
poor kid but its just a snowman whats the big deal
lindawalla · 4 years ago
I agree with notsnew, that snowman belonged to someone and hey on the funny side what if one day a scientist spills some stuff on snow and then snowmen and women-no sexism here- TAKE OVER THE WORLD. If he wasn’t sacked we may all perish.
ira497 · 4 years ago
Bro that is so over the top. I get it’s sad for the kid, but you can’t sack the poor man for something as petty as that?!
cuddle3 · 4 years ago
It is someones snowman. Don't kill it
dadoo · 4 years ago
That was pretty mean 😢 of the guy to do that and he probably did deserve getting fired but otherwise I think it was pretty silly to fire him
dadoo · 4 years ago
I mean firing is a bit extreme but maybe just let him off with a warning ⚠️
ninjahorse · 4 years ago
I think he shouldn't have done it, but it seems a bit harsh to fire him - he might of only done it for fun. You never know!
hami · 4 years ago
I know that the child worked hard but he shouldn't have been fired. It was wrong to kick a snowman but it was too much to fire him.
applepear · 4 years ago
Why should he be allowed to go around destroying people's things? Next he could kick a support pole over and somebody's shed could fall down!
smiles29 · 4 years ago
Everyone has a bad day its part of life, but finding ways to deal with that is the important bit. I think its right that he looses his job because that's not the right thing to do to those children. For the company and the council it looks really bad that someone that represents them is doing that. Its the same in any work environment. If you are having a bad day in the office, you don't rip up a picture that your clients children drew. This is no different. He will have learnt his lesson and its nothing serious like a criminal record so it doesn't effect his future life. Apart from a bit of embarrassment!
tennis22 · 4 years ago
Bit excessive to sack him but he shouldn’t have kicked it
asagos · 4 years ago
R.I.P snowman I think yes he shouldn’t of done it but I mean it was quite OTT
pinksquid · 4 years ago
I think that he shouldn’t be fired because the snowman will melt very soon but it is still very rude to. I think he should only get a cut from his pay and that’s it
pinksquid · 4 years ago
I think that he shouldn’t be fired because the snowman will melt very soon but it is still very rude to. I think he should only get a cut from his pay.
scarlet10 · 4 years ago
well if you think about it each month in the world about 1000000000000 snowmen are kicked over and not everyone gets fired.
Also that man could be single or have a family and he could be the only one with the job so your telling me you are putting maybe a whole family endanger just because 1! snowman was kicked over?
scarlet10 · 4 years ago
a snowman only stays for maybe ONE day!!!!!
chocoloco · 4 years ago
RIP :(
isssad · 4 years ago
I don't think he should of been fired because he could of been having a bad day and it would of melted anyway.
codonnell · 4 years ago
I agree that he shouldn't have kicked the snowman and the person who built it was probably very upset but I don't agree that the man should have been sacked. Many people are struggling with money at the moment so a little thing like that shouldn't have got him fired
fishgirl2 · 4 years ago
Sack him it’s really unfair to the child and the snowman ⛄️ ☃️
fishgirl2 · 4 years ago
Hxnestly I’m sorry about ur snowman 🥺😢
cherryx · 4 years ago
He should be punished but not loose his job.
cat55 · 4 years ago
I cannot decide if I would sack the binman. It was really mean though. I hate people being mean. I would never do something like that. I don't want people and children to be sad.
jamiemanga · 4 years ago
I do think a little bit he should not loose his job but i think he should get the sack because it was a child's snowman. If it was and adult he should just get a telling off
janinder · 4 years ago
Mr snowman rest in peace
weirdcat · 4 years ago
It was so mean of him to kick the head off the snowman, but was a bit harsh to sack him.............
ansha007 · 4 years ago
RIP: Mr snowman
ansha007 · 4 years ago
That trash collector is a MEANIE
dottypop1 · 4 years ago
It was unfair for him to lose his job but it was still cruel for him to kick the child's snowmans head off. It would have been better for him to have a warning instead of being sacked. Even though the snow man would have melted the child would have been upset by what he did. (Rip Snowman)
ivansp2011 · 4 years ago
I think not as he is just a snowman and guess what? Snow will come another day. It is too extreme as snow, hmmm, is just formed by clouds and soon it will still melt. Also, he had only destroyed the head not the whole snowman. There should still be some snow left so he can rebuild the snowman
trixx · 4 years ago
He shouldn’t have done it but to sack him was WAY over the top
kelly burns · 4 years ago
If he did not mean to destroy the snowman then that is absoulty fine! But if he just decided to drop kick it and do it on purpose then that's a different story.!
ihorsman · 4 years ago
NO because every one needs a second chance
ebazgo · 4 years ago
Every child's christmas would have been ruined by him >:(
enyu_enbao · 3 years ago
Its quite hard, but if you think, he could repay it somehow by maybe repaying what he did in a way like money 😂.
humbugs · 3 years ago
In my point of view, he should have lost his job because he destroyed a piece of hard work created by a kid.
phoebeh · 3 years ago
Mens rea: guilty mind
Actus reus: guilty act
Mens rea, tick ✅, did it ON PURPOSE
Also, I did think it was mean
The child maybe took ages on that snowman
mwhitty · 3 years ago
No it’s going to melt anyway!
smartbryan · 3 years ago
It’s just a snowman
emi1234567 · 3 years ago
It was just a snowman
emi1234567 · 3 years ago
He shouldn't of but it is a bit extreme to fire him
simbasimba · 3 years ago
What a harsh company!