
Ben: Extra support in school

by Ben

As young people, we value education and recognise the vital role teachers play in shaping our future success. As a 17-year-old boy in sixth form, I understand the importance of working hard now to pave the way for later achievements.

It’s essential that every child has access to quality education, feels safe and happy in school, and receives the support they need to thrive. This is particularly crucial for students like me, who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and any other Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND), as we may require additional assistance due to our unique learning styles.

Those who struggle or fall behind academically should receive prompt and accessible support, especially individuals with special educational needs or disabilities. It’s imperative that no one, whatever their needs, is left behind, and efforts should be made to reintegrate. students who have been absent from school for any reason.

Bullying must be tackled with zero tolerance, and comprehensive measures should be in place to address and prevent it. Moreover, our education system should evolve to meet the demands of the digital age. This includes incorporating more physical activity into school routines and putting a set amount of Physical Education (PE) lessons in each week, expanding opportunities for outdoor learning, and organizing educational trips beyond the classroom. Additionally, the curriculum should be continuously reviewed to ensure it equips us with the skills needed for a rapidly changing workplace in the era of England.

In conclusion, as a student navigating sixth form with ADHD and DLD, I advocate for an inclusive and dynamic education system that prioritises individual support, addresses bullying, and prepares us for the digital future ahead. Let’s work together to create an educational environment where every student can thrive and reach their full potential.

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